I really like Stringing Magazine because, of all of the beading magazines I've read, Stringing is the most fashion-forward. The projects are fun, simple to make and stylish; there's nothing drab or frumpy about the projects in this magazine.
As the title implies, Stringing is simply about bead stringing. The majority of the projects in the magazine require nothing more complex than the ability to string beads and the ability to open and close a jump ring properly. While the techniques used in the projects are usually extremely simple, the designs are absolutely beautiful and artistic. You don't read Stringing to learn fancy, complex beading techniques, you read it to be inspired by the fantastic jewelry designs.
Sadly, Jewelry Stringing magazine went out of publication in 2017. If you're interested, you can buy back issues on the Interweave Press site.
Stringing is also a good resource for finding great bead suppliers. This is probably the only magazine I read where I actually read the advertisements with as much interest as the projects and articles. Of course there are general bead suppliers listed in the magazine, but what I love are the ads for artists who make and sell their own handmade art beads. Take some time to read through the advertisers' list at the back of the magazine, and you'll discover fantastic bead artists like Green Girl Studios and Lillypilly Designs, who sell beautiful, handmade jewelry components.
Stringing is a helpful magazine to have on hand if you are teaching jewelry making classes or have jewelry making home parties. I have always brought copies of this magazine along any time I'm teaching beading to beginners. It provides examples of fantastic jewelry you can make without learning extremely complex techniques, so it's great for encouraging beginners in a new hobby.
If you want to learn about complex bead weaving, Stringing is not the magazine for you. If you want to be inspired by fantastic, fashion-forward designs that you can make with some simple, inexpensive tools and a few very easy to learn techniques, you'll be very happy with Stringing Magazine.
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